The National Nuclear Energy Commission has given authorisation for Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil to seek an international buyer for 5.7 tonnes of U3O8 enriched to 3.2% uranium-235.
A new European research project, named EU-CONVERSION, has been launched with the aim of accelerating the conversion of high-performance research reactors by testing candidate low-enriched uranium fissile materials.
The International Atomic Energy Agency has begun analytical work as part of its safety assessment for the possible use of components from Bulgaria's discontinued Belene nuclear power plant project to complete Ukraine's unfinished Khmelnitsky units 3 and 4.
GE Vernova has announced plans to invest more than USD50 million in GE Hitachi's Wilmington site in North Carolina as part of USD600 million of investments across its US factories and facilities over the next two years.
Advanced nuclear fuel company Lightbridge and nuclear power plant developer Oklo have signed a memorandum of understanding for a feasibility study into co-locating their planned fuel fabrication facilities and to explore potential for collaboration in recycling nuclear waste.
The third cycle of tests of MOX fuel in the MIR research reactor is to begin following the successful completion of the second phase of the programme which aims to substantiate the safety of MOX fuel for use in VVER-type reactors.
The Ulba-FA LLP fuel assembly plant, which produces nuclear fuel for Chinese nuclear power plants, has reached its design capacity of 200 tonnes of low-enriched uranium in the form of fuel assemblies.
The assembly of the reactor has been completed at unit 3 of Turkey's Akkuyu nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, the fuel to be used in the second unit has also been delivered to the site.
A groundbreaking ceremony has been held to mark the long-delayed start of construction of an outdoor dry storage facility for used nuclear fuel at Taiwan's shut down Kuosheng nuclear power plant.
What were the most-read World Nuclear News stories, and what has World Nuclear Association Director General Sama Bilbao y León picked out as her key moments of 2024? Read a month-by-month summary, and listen to the full podcast episode.