Contract agreement for Khmelnitsky 3 and 4

Thursday, 10 February 2011
EnergoAtom-AES 090211Ukraine's national electricity generator EnergoAtom and Russia's AtomStroyExport have signed a contract agreement for the completion of two more reactors at Ukraine's Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant.

Ukraine's national electricity generator EnergoAtom and Russia's AtomStroyExport (ASE) have signed a contract agreement for the completion of two more reactors at Ukraine's Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant.


The agreement was signed yesterday in Kiev by EnergoAtom president Yuri Nedashkovsky and ASE first vice-president Alexander Dybov.


EnergoAtom-AES 090211
Dybov and Nedashkovsky shake on signing the agreement (Image: EnergoAtom)


The agreement forms a framework under which further contracts will be signed. These include contracts on the technical design of the VVER-1000 reactors, and for the production and supply of long lead-time reactor island equipment. ASE said that work on the preparation of a draft contract for developing the technical design of the reactors is already underway.


Other contracts will cover the design and documentation of the reactor building; the manufacture, supply and supervision of the installation of reactor equipment; the commissioning and start-up of the units; and the provision of supervision of the equipment over the warranty period. In addition, further contracts will be signed for the manufacture and supply of equipment produced in Russia, as well as other supplies and services needed for the construction of the new reactors.


Furthermore, ASE will provide technical assistance to EnergoAtom in assembling of the equipment supplied to it under separate direct contracts with the equipment manufacturers, design and engineering organizations.


Construction of Khmelnitsky 3 began in September 1985, while that of unit 4 started in June 1986. Work on the two units stopped in 1990 when they were 75% and 28% complete, respectively.


In June 2010, Russia and Ukraine signed an intergovernmental agreement on the resumption of work on the two partially built reactors at Khmelnitsky. The Ukrainian parliament ratified that agreement last month. Under the agreement, Russia will provide financing for the amount required to design, construct and commission the two reactors, including for payments for services and goods supplied by Russia. Any components supplied from Ukraine for the project would be financed from the Ukrainian budget.


The Ukrainian government envisages finalizing the project and approving the design for the new units in 2011. Khmelnitsky 3 should be commissioned in 2016, with unit 4 starting up the following year. ASE won a tender in 2008 to construct two AES-92 plants with V-392B reactors at Khmelnitsky, similar to the two VVERs already operating on the site.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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