Rosatom forges more links with nuclear newcomers
Azerbaijan’s National Nuclear Research Centre and Rusatom International Network signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on personnel training for the joint use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. The parties also agreed to the organisation of joint scientific work.
Rosatom signed a roadmap on the development of cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy with the ambassador to Russia of the Republic of the Congo, and an MoU on cooperation in nuclear training and skills development with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba.
With the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Ethiopia, Rosatom signed a three-year roadmap for establishing cooperation on the construction of a nuclear power plant and a centre for nuclear science and technology in the African country. This follows the MoU they signed in June 2017 on cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy.
It signed two MoUs with the Ministry of Innovation and Technological Development of Serbia on cooperation in the field of personnel education and training, and on the principles of forming public opinion about the peaceful uses of nuclear technology.
An Agreement of Intent was signed between Rosatom Technical Academy and UzAtom.
In addition, Rusatom Healthcare, Rusatom International Network and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan signed a memorandum of cooperation in radiation technologies and nuclear medicine.
With China, which has about 46 nuclear power reactors in operation, about 15 under construction, and more about to start construction, a contract on training of specialists for the Tianwan nuclear power plant was signed between Rusatom Service and Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation.