GEH contracted for Pilgrim internals dismantling
GEH will dismantle, segment and pack reactor internals and the reactor pressure vessel of the boiling water reactor. All handling and segmentation will be carried out underwater using the Primary Segmentation System that was designed in conjunction with REI Nuclear, a company acquired by GEH in December 2018.
"We are pleased to continue to support CDI with innovative technology, proven processes and an experienced team that is focused on safety and efficiency," GEH President and CEO Jay Wileman said.
Pilgrim, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, was shut down in May after 47 years in operation. Holtec International's subsidiaries in August completed the acquisition of the plant from Entergy Corporation following US Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval of the transfer of the plant's operating licence. Holtec will contract with CDI to perform the decommissioning, including demolition and site cleanup.
GEH said its decommissioning project expertise includes experience gained from reactor internals replacement projects in Japan and segmentation scope for extended power uprate projects in the USA. The company recently completed the segmentation of reactor internals at Oskarshamn unit 2 in Sweden and is now conducting the segmentation of Oskarshamn 1. In July, the company was awarded a contract by CDI to decommission reactor internals and the reactor pressure vessel at the Oyster Creek plant in New Jersey.