Korean waste agency forges links with expert group

Wednesday, 5 September 2018
A memorandum of understanding has been signed by the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency and the Korean Radioactive Waste Society for cooperation in decommissioning and waste management.
Korean waste agency forges links with expert group
Representatives from KORAD and KRS at the signing ceremony (Image: KORAD)

The agreement was signed today by KORAD President and CEO Cha Sung-soo and KRS Chairman Kim Chang-rak.

The organisations have agreed to cooperate in areas such as low-, intermediate- and high-level radioactive waste management, the training of decommissioning personnel and raising public awareness of activities "creating national interest due to the energy conversion".

KORAD is a quasi-governmental organisation that was established in January 2009 as South Korea's national agency for radioactive waste management. It is responsible for the transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of waste, as well as site selection, construction, operation and post-closure management of the waste management facility. It falls under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

The KRS was formed in 2003 and its membership includes more than 2000 experts in used fuel and radioactive waste management.

Cha said, "We will do our best to ensure the necessary skills for the safe management of the waste and public acceptance through industry-academia-university cooperation."

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