Russia and Rwanda to cooperate in nuclear power
Rosatom said the intergovernmental agreement builds on the Memorandum of Understanding Rosatom and Rwanda's Ministry of Infrastructure signed on 22 June, and that it will serve as a starting point for active dialogue between the two countries in the nuclear sector, enabling practical implementation of specific cooperation projects.
Likhachov said: "We are pleased to provide our Rwandan partners with access to more than 70 years of Russian experience in the peaceful uses of nuclear technology, and we hope that cooperation in this area will contribute to Rwanda’s economic growth and improve the quality of life of its population."
It creates a legal basis for interaction in a wide range of areas, including: construction of a Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology and nuclear power plants in Rwanda; assistance in building and improving that country's nuclear infrastructure in accordance with international standards; regulation of nuclear and radiation safety; supervision of the physical protection of nuclear materials, radiation sources, storage facilities for nuclear materials and radioactive substances; as well as accounting and control systems for nuclear materials, radioactive substances and radioactive waste.
It also covers fundamental and applied research; production of radioisotopes and their use in industry, medicine and agriculture; cooperation in the application of radiation technologies, as well as nuclear medicine; education, training and retraining of specialists for the nuclear industry.
The agreement further provides for the formation of joint working groups for specific projects and scientific research, as well as the exchange of experts, the organisation of seminars and conferences, assistance in the education and training of scientific and technical personnel, and the supply of equipment, materials and components.