Russia and Uzbekistan agree to start survey of new plant site

Friday, 17 May 2019
Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear corporation, and UzAtom, Uzbekistan's nuclear development agency, have signed a contract to perform engineering surveys for the Central Asian country's first nuclear power plant.
Russia and Uzbekistan agree to start survey of new plant site
UzAtom’s Amanov and Rosatom’s Ashanin after signing the agreement in Tashkent (Image: UzAtom)

The agreement was signed today during the Power Uzbekistan 2019 exhibition in Tashkent by Dmitry Ashanin, deputy director for prospective projects at Rosatom subsidiary Atomstroyexport, and Otabek Amanov, nuclear power plant construction director at UzAtom.

"This document is one of the key parts of the framework for the NPP construction project in Uzbekistan and will allow the start of survey work at the construction site of the future plant," Amanov said.

"The signing of this contract is another step in the implementation of a large-scale project for the construction of the most modern and safest nuclear power plants with VVER-1200 reactors in Uzbekistan," Ashanin added.

Today's contract follows an intergovernmental agreement the two countries signed last September on construction of a Russian-design nuclear power plant. Uzbekistan last month confirmed to the International Atomic Energy Agency it had initiated the process to choose a site for the plant and aims to grant a site licence in September 2020.

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