Uprates approved for Peach Bottom reactors

Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Peach Bottom 48An increase in power output of over 12% at each of units 2 and 3 of the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania has been approved by the US nuclear regulator.

An increase in power output of over 12% at each of units 2 and 3 of the Peach Bottom nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania has been approved by the US nuclear regulator.

Peach Bottom 460 (Exelon)
Peach Bottom units 2 and 3 (Image: Exelon)

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has given plant operator Exelon permission to increase the maximum core thermal power level of each of the reactors from 3514 MWt to 3951 MWt as part of an extended power uprate that will increase the generating capacity of each of the 1140 MWe boiling water reactors by some 140 MWe. Exelon applied for the uprate in September 2012. The uprate involves significant modifications to major plant equipment, such as replacing steam turbines.

Exelon intends to implement unit 2's uprate during a refuelling outage later this year, while unit 3's will be carried out during a refuelling outage planned for late 2015.

Peach Bottom units 2 and 3 both began operating in 1974. Unit 2 is licensed to operate until 2033 and unit 3 until 2034. Whilst operated by Exelon, the plant is owned 50/50 by Exelon and Public Service Electric and Gas (PSEG).

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

WNN is a public information service of World Nuclear Association.
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