Chapelcross ISF receives first container of waste

The Interim Storage Facility (ISF) can hold over 700 waste packages of four different approved package types, and will be filled over the next five years as part of decommissioning work. Standing at 57 metres long and 23 metres wide, it has been constructed to safely and securely store packages for 120 years.
During operation, the reactors and processing facilities at Chapelcross generated various amounts of waste material, classified as either low or intermediate level depending on their level of radioactivity.
Whilst low-level waste is sent off-site for treatment and disposal, the purpose-built ISF will securely store all the intermediate level waste (ILW) on-site until such time that the Scottish Government Higher Activity Waste Policy identifies final storage and disposal options for Scotland’s nuclear ILW.
Mark Blackley, Chapelcross acting site director said: "This is the first step on our path to safely secure all the ILW generated during Chapelcross’ operations, until final disposal options have been identified."
Construction of the Chapelcross ISF began in 2014 and the building includes mechanical handling systems.
Construction of the four Magnox gas-cooled reactors at Chapelcross, in Annan, Scotland, began in 1955, with the units entering operation in 1959 and 1960. All four reactors were shut down in June 2004.