Duke Energy and NCEMC buyout partner's share in Catawba-1

Friday, 12 January 2007
[Duke Energy and NCEMC, 27 December] Duke Energy Carolinas LLC and North Carolina Electric Membership Corp (NCEMC) announced agreements to purchase Saluda River Electric Cooperative Inc's ownership interest in the Catawba 1 nuclear power reactor in South Carolina, USA. Saluda River currently owns 19% of Catawba 1, while NCEMC owns 56% and Duke Energy 25%. The agreements call for Duke Energy to pay $158 million for the purchase of some 72% of Saluda River's interest (about 154 MWe) and NCEMC to pay $42 million for the remaining 28% (about 60 MWe). The deal is expected to close in mid-2008.

[Duke Energy and NCEMC, 27 December] DukeEnergy Carolinas LLC and North Carolina Electric Membership Corp(NCEMC) announced agreements to purchase Saluda River ElectricCooperative Inc's ownership interest in the Catawba 1 nuclear powerreactor in South Carolina, USA. Saluda River currently owns 19% ofCatawba 1, while NCEMC owns 56% and Duke Energy 25%. The agreementscall for Duke Energy to pay $158 million for the purchase of some 72%of Saluda River's interest (about 154 MWe) and NCEMC to pay $42 millionfor the remaining 28% (about 60 MWe). The deal is expected to close inmid-2008.

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Duke Energy

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