An OECD report has highlighted the contribution nuclear already makes to the energy mix as well as how it can fit into future low-carbon networks. The report is aimed at informing the policymaking of the body's member governments.
Vattenfall has filed a case against Germany with an international arbitration service one year after the country tore up a carefully negotiated nuclear policy.
Nigeria signed a cooperation accord with Russia towards the construction of its first nuclear power plant today at the AtomExpo event in Moscow. Bangladesh and South Africa also agreed to extend their nuclear cooperation with Russia.
Germany's third largest aluminium producer has filed for bankruptcy as trade groups call for affordable power supply equivalent to the nuclear capacity taken off the grid as a response to the Fukushima accident.
The carbon intensity of generating capacity owned by the EDF group of companies fell below 100 g/kWh for the first time in 2011, while in France EDF's emission rate dived 25% to 30.4 g/kWh.