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/ Decommissioning
Land released for re-use at Magnox sites
A significant part of the land at both the Oldbury and Berkeley nuclear power plant sites in the UK can now be used for other purposes following the decision by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to release the land for new development.
Waste & Recycling
Friday, 3 February 2012
Shrinkwrapping Bradwell
The main buildings at the UK's shuttered Bradwell nuclear power plant are to be sealed in a £20 million ($31 million) 'weather envelope' while they await final dismantling.
Waste & Recycling
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Extending operating lives of French reactors best option
Investing in new nuclear generating capacity or any other form of energy would be too expensive and come online too late, France's state audit office has concluded. Extending the operating lives of its existing nuclear power reactors would be its best option.
Nuclear Policies
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Nuclear numbers down despite connections
Six new nuclear power reactors were connected to the world's electricity grids in 2011, adding over 4000 MWe of generation capacity. Thirteen units were closed permanently, all but one as a direct result of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi.
New Nuclear
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Fukushima units enter decommissioning phase
A roadmap setting out the mid- to long-term activities needed for the decommissioning of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi reactors has been released. The plan envisages decommissioning activities being completed within 30 to 40 years.
Waste & Recycling
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Swiss decommissioning costs rising
Switzerland will face costs of CHF 20.654 billion ($22.455 billion) to close down and decommission its nuclear power plants according to newly released figures. The amount is 10% higher than earlier projections.
Waste & Recycling
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Berkeley heat exchanger disposal contract
Studsvik of Sweden has signed a contract with the UK’s LLW Repository Ltd for the transport and dismantling of old heat exchangers from the Berkeley Magnox nuclear power plant.
Waste & Recycling
Friday, 11 November 2011
Bats delay leading clean-up project
[BNG, 10 May]
Roosting bats have caused a four-month delay to the UK's leading clean-up program. A colony of protected Pipistrelle bats has colonizedthe structure of the former Capenhurst gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment plant, which is currently being demolished by British Nuclear Group (BNG). After hibernating over the winter, the tiny flying mammals are now fully active and BNG is concerned they may begin to breed. Hoping to stick to its 2009 completion date, the company is consulting conservationists and investing in new roosting boxes so that the bats may live elsewhere on site.
Other News
Friday, 11 May 2007
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