Argentina's President Javier Milei has said "nuclear energy will make its triumphant return and we will not only not be left behind, but we intend to be pioneers".
The low-angle neutron scattering instrument transferred from the Paul Sherrer Institute in Switzerland is in place at the Argentine Neutron Beam Laboratory.
Framatome and Nucleoeléctrica are to carry out a pre-feasibility study on producing radioisotopes such as lutetium-177 at Argentina's Atucha I, Atucha II and Embalse nuclear power units.
Argentina's National Atomic Energy Commission is planning to release 80,000 sterilised male mosquitos per week to combat dengue and other diseases.
A 50% increase in molybdenum-99 and 22% more iodine-131 will be produced by adding an extra shift and increasing the hours of irradiation at the RA-3 reactor, Argentina's National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) has said.
El Salvador, which is embarking on a nuclear energy programme, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Argentina's National Atomic Energy Commission.
Nucleoeléctrica Argentina says it has secured the necessary funds to carry out the Atucha 1 life extension project.
The National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) of Argentina says the country is aiming to contribute its experience and facilities to collaborate with countries interested in adopting nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.