Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power has signed a 10-year enriched uranium supply contract with US-based nuclear fuel supplier Centrus Energy Corporation. The contract follows the signing of a Letter of Intent a year ago.
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved Urenco USA's licence amendment request to increase uranium enrichment levels up to 10% at its facility in New Mexico.
The US Department of Energy has selected six companies which will be able to compete for contracts to supply low-enriched uranium. It follows June's request for proposals to purchase LEU from domestic sources.
Russia's Rosatom is testing VVER nuclear fuel containing the neutron absorber erbium and uranium enriched to about 5%. It says such fuel could significantly increase the economic efficiency of nuclear power plants.
Global Laser Enrichment has acquired the land in Kentucky where it plans to build the Paducah Laser Enrichment Facility.
Centrus Energy Corp is to resume centrifuge manufacturing activities and expand capacity at its facility in Tennessee as well as investing an additional USD60 million over the next 18 months for the effort to support a potential large-scale expansion of uranium enrichment at its American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio.
The Czech Republic's nuclear power plant operator ČEZ has signed a new contract with Urenco for the supply of enriched uranium which will be used in nuclear fuel for the Dukovany and Temelin nuclear power plants.
Microreactor technology company NANO Nuclear Energy Inc is joining privately owned laser enrichment company LIS Technologies Inc in a collaboration it says will reinvigorate the USA's domestic uranium enrichment and fuel fabrication capabilities and provide NANO Nuclear with uranium hexafluoride to fuel its reactors.
TerraPower has signed a term sheet with ASP Isotopes Inc for the construction of a uranium enrichment facility in South Africa and a supply agreement for fuel delivery for the Natrium small modular reactor.
The US Department of Energy has selected Louisiana Energy Services, Orano Federal Services, General Matter and American Centrifuge Operating to provide enrichment services to help establish a US supply of high-assay low-enriched uranium.