APR Owners Group launched

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power has officially launched the APR Owners Group - the world's first international organisation dedicated to the Korean-designed APR reactor model.

APR Owners Group launched
(Image: KHNP)

KHNP said the group aims to share expertise with member organisations and continuously improve the safety and efficiency of APR reactors. It will also focus on strengthening the global recognition of the APR brand by investing in joint R&D and exploring innovative approaches to operations by integrating cutting-edge technologies. These efforts, it said, will enhance the competitiveness of APR reactors in new-build projects and further solidify its position in the global nuclear market.

The launch ceremony was held in Seoul on 24 February, attended by KHNP Chief Nuclear Officer Lee Sang-min, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) Chief Operating Officer Saleh Al Shehhi, and other domestic and international nuclear industry representatives.

ENEC, the operator of the UAE's Barakah nuclear power plant, is a founding member of the APR Owners Group (APROG), while South Korean firms KEPCO E&C, KEPCO KPS, KEPCO NF and Doosan Enerbility have joined APROG as Associate Members. 

"Nuclear power operators worldwide form owners groups to enhance safety and efficiency by exchanging operational experience and technical knowledge related to specific reactor designs," KHNP noted. "Until now, KHNP has been a member of several existing owners groups, including PWROG (Pressurised Water Reactor Owners Group), COG (CANDU Owners Group), and FROG (Framatome Reactor Owners Group)

"However, with the establishment of APROG, KHNP has transitioned from merely being a participant in international owners groups to owning and leading its own, marking a significant milestone in its global presence in the nuclear power sector."

Lee Sang-min, KHNP's Senior Executive Vice President and CNO added: "The APR Owners Group is more than just a collaborative network - it will serve as a platform for driving innovation and sustainability in the global nuclear industry. As the owner of this international organisation, KHNP will solidify its position in the global nuclear market while further enhancing the safety and efficiency of APR reactors and strengthening the APR brand’s competitiveness in the global energy sector."

The APR-1400 is an evolutionary pressurised water reactor with its origins in the CE System 80+ model. Principally designed by Korea Engineering Company, it produces 1400 MWe and has a 60-year design life. It supersedes the standardised 995 MWe OPR-1000 design, of which South Korea built 12. The APR-1400 features improvements in operation, safety, maintenance and affordability based on accumulated experience as well as technological development.

A total of eight APR-1400 reactors are currently in operation worldwide - four in South Korea (Saeul units 1 and 2 and Shin Hanul units 1 and 2) and four at the Barakah plant in the UAE. An additional four APR units are under construction in South Korea (Saeul units 3 and 4 and Shin Hanul units 3 and 4).

In August 2024, KHNP was selected by the Czech government as its preferred bidder to build up to four new nuclear power units in the country, featuring its APR1000 reactor, based on the OPR-1000 - but incorporating APR performance and safety features and with a 60-year operating lifetime.

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