Areva head steps down on ill health

Monday, 20 October 2014

Luc Oursel (Areva) 48Luc Oursel has stepped down from his position as CEO of Areva citing the need to pursue treatment and a personal battle against illness.


Luc Oursel has stepped down from his position as CEO of Areva citing the need to pursue treatment and a personal battle against illness.

Areva announced the move today saying that Luc Oursel recently notified the French government, which owns over 90% of company stock, that he did not consider himself able to maintain his responsibilities as CEO.

Luc Oursel (Areva) 460
Luc Oursel (Image: Areva)

Oursel has held the position since June 2011. He soon began a turnaround plan intended to return Areva to positive pre-tax cash-flow in 2016.

"Under these very difficult personal circumstances, and despite my very strong commitment to Areva, I have had no choice but to hand over my responsibilities at the head of the company and have chosen to take a leave of absence in order to pursue treatment. I must now fight a personal battle against the illness, but all of my thoughts remain with the teams at Areva," said Oursel's statement. 

Areva said Oursel would remain in position for the best possible transition to a new leader, but did not give details of that process.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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