Economic benefits of Spain's nuclear industry

Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Spain's nuclear industry has a positive impact on the country's economy, according to a report compiled on behalf of Spanish industry group Foro Nuclear.

Spain's nuclear industry has a positive impact on the country's economy, according to a report compiled on behalf of Spanish industry group Foro Nuclear.

The socio-economic study was carried out by consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers using data from companies and organizations, and from public information sources.

According to the report, the nuclear industry contributed a total of €2.78 billion ($3.11 billion) to Spain's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2013, representing 0.27% of total GDP. The industry's direct contribution to GDP was €1.97 billion ($2.20 billion), or 0.19% of total GDP.

For every €100 ($112) of turnover by companies in the nuclear industry, €25 ($28) were spent on taxes. The total tax contribution of the industry in 2013 was €1.14 billion ($1.27 billion), of which €781 million ($872 million) was taxes incurred, which represented a cost for companies, and €360 million ($402 million) in taxes as a result of their business.

Exports by Spain's nuclear industry totalled €238 million ($266 million) in 2013, which represented 0.10% of the country's total exports that year.

A total of 27,466 people were employed, directly and indirectly, in Spain's nuclear industry in 2013, representing 0.16% of the country's total workforce. The impact of the nuclear industry on GDP per employee was 3.8 times higher than the Spanish average, according to the report.

In 2013, 81% of workers in Spain's nuclear industry were on permanent contracts, while the average for Spain was 77%. On average, 49.5% of employees in the nuclear industry had a university degree compared with 41.2% for the whole of Spain.

The nuclear industry invested over €71 million ($79 million) in research and development in fiscal 2013, representing 1.03% of total expenditure on R&D by Spanish companies.

Foro Nuclear president Antonio Cornadó said, "It is important to put a value on the contribution made by the nuclear industry to Spain's economy and to wider society. Foro Nuclear wanted to have an accurate picture of the contribution the nuclear industry makes."

He added, "The report shows that productivity of the nuclear industry is 3.8 times the national average. In addition, the nuclear industry invests 1.98% of total revenues in R&D, which is 2.4 times higher than the total in Spain. This shows how important the industry is."

Spain's seven nuclear power reactors generated 57.3 TWh of electricity in 2014, accounting for one-fifth of the country's electricity.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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