EnergySolutions expands offerings beyond back-end
EnergySolution - known as a supplier of nuclear decommissioning/decontamination, waste processing and disposal services - said it is "leveraging our existing nuclear quality assurance programme and nuclear services infrastructure to support this important expansion of service capabilities".
The company said it will deliver experienced project management, supervision, and subject matter expertise that will support plant life extension projects and new reactor planning and construction. Initially, it will provide project execution and labour management expertise coupled with its "proven track record in executing large capital projects that will provide utilities, developers and prospective owners with a mission-critical solution for project delivery".
EnergySolutions said it has assembled an experienced and proven team of management in support of this expanded service offering.
The company added it is also "in the early phases" of exploring the use of EnergySolutions-owned former nuclear sites as potential locations for future nuclear power plants.
EnergySolutions acquired the Kewaunee nuclear power plant in Wisconsin, which shut down in 2013, from Dominion Energy in 2022 with the aim of decommissioning the single-unit plant. It is also currently decommissioning Three Mile Island unit 2 in Pennsylvania, which it owns through its TMI-2 Solutions subsidiary. The company is also decommissioning the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in southern California and Fort Calhoun in Nebraska. The company has completed decommissioning work at the Zion plant in Illinois and the La Crosse boiling water reactor in Wisconsin.
"These service offerings will complete the cycle of EnergySolutions services that promote preservation of the environment through environmentally safe waste disposal and support for zero-carbon energy production," it said.