Exelon completes SMR feasibility study for Polish programme
The feasibility study covers the analysis of key aspects of SMR technology implementation, including cost issues, personnel policy, regulatory and security issues, construction models and operational issues. It is a "very important step" in Synthos's implementation of its project to introduce SMR technology on the Polish market, Synthos Green Energy CEO Rafał Kasprów said. "The document will be the basis for creating an accurate roadmap for the whole project," he added.
Synthos Green Energy is part of the Polish privately held Synthos Group, which is owned by Michał Sołowow. The company sees SMR technology as an opportunity for the deep decarbonisation of the Polish industry and heating sector, and in 2019 signed a cooperation agreement with GEH for the construction of the BWRX-300 reactor in Poland. Synthos in October began a regulatory dialogue with the Polish National Atomic Energy Agency on the possibility of building the BWRX-300 in Poland, with the support of Exelon Generation, GEH and Finnish Fortum Power and Heat Oy.
"Exelon is ready to support Synthos using our nuclear experience and know-how to deploy one or more small modular reactors in Poland," Ralph Hunter, managing director and chief operating officer of Exelon Nuclear Partners, said.
The BWRX-300 is a 300 MWe water-cooled, natural circulation SMR with passive safety systems, based on GEH's US NRC-licensed, 1520 MWe Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor design. Synthos has recently also signed a cooperation agreement with Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation developing the high-temperature gas-cooled micro modular reactor.
Poland has the largest reserves of coal in Europe, and in 2018 coal generated 78% of the country's electricity. The Polish government in September unveiled a plan to build six new nuclear power units by 2040, with the first 1-1.6 GWe unit to be commissioned in 2033, as the country transitions to a clean energy economy.