Export support for NuScale to Ukraine

Friday, 17 December 2021
The US Trade and Development Agency announced it will support Ukrainian authorities to assess NuScale's small reactor technology, with a view to future exports. A gap analysis will compare the technology to the Ukrainian regulatory system to identify potential problems and make recommendations.
Export support for NuScale to Ukraine
What a NuScale SMR-based power plant could look like (Image: NuScale)

USTDA support will include a gap analysis to support "development of a regulatory regime that would enable the introduction of small modular reactor (SMR) technology into the country for the first time." 

A grant will be given to the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) to perform a gap analysis that will "compare the NuScale design against International Atomic Energy Agency standards, Ukrainian regulations, and regulatory guidance," said NuScale. "The analysis will also identify gaps that could prevent deployment of a NuScale SMR in Ukraine and propose recommendations to close the gaps, including regulation changes, if necessary."

A 50 MWe version of NuScale's power module already has standard design approval from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, though the company is to re-submit for a 77 MWe version. It proposes to deploy these in multiples of four, six and 12, or other configurations if requested by customers. Ukraine's national nuclear utility Energoatom signed a memorandum of understanding with NuScale to explore the deployment of its technology in September.

The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine has already been taking part in a series of seminars with USTDA, discussing matters such as the use of ASME codes and mutual recognition of certificates.

The Executive Director of the STCU, Curtis Bjelajac, said the work would "lay the foundation for implementing SMR technology in Ukraine." He added that, "Small modular reactors can offer unique opportunities to complement Ukraine’s already substantial nuclear power generating capacity, and may have the potential to act as a valuable component of Ukraine’s nuclear strategy going forward.”

USTDA describes its role as helping companies create US jobs through the export of goods and services for priority infrastructure projects in emerging economies. It said it links US businesses to export opportunities by funding project preparation and partnership building activities that develop sustainable infrastructure and foster economic growth in partner countries.

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