Fermi sees Estonian interest in nuclear grow

Monday, 7 February 2022
Some 68% of Estonian people either support or tend to support the consideration of small nuclear power plants in the country, according to a poll by Kantar Emor carried out for Fermi Energia. This is up from 54% in January 2021.
Fermi sees Estonian interest in nuclear grow
On the rise: "Yes" and "Rather yes" answers dominate the question of whether Estonia should consider small nuclear power plants (Image: Fermi Energia - Kantar)

Fermi Energia is an Estonian company developing concepts for the use of small reactors in the country.

According to International Energy Agency figures, Estonia uses coal for as much as 55% of its electricity, followed by biomass and waste at around 25%. In recent years it has been phasing out the use of shale oil with a target to stop using it for electricity by 2035.

Asked, "Are you in favour of considering the use of a new generation of small nuclear power plants to ensure security of electricity supply?", some 36% of respondents said "yes" and 32% said "rather yes", making a clear yes the most popular response of all. At the same time, 10% answered "no", 10% said "rather no", and 12% said "do not know".

All clean electricity options were favoured in Estonia, according to the poll. A total of 57% of people expressed support for wind, and 50% for solar energy, whereas only 10% supported natural gas.

"The share of women in favour of nuclear energy has also increased significantly," said Fermi. "In August 40% of women were in favour or rather in favour of considering a nuclear power plant, [which rose to] 54% in January. Men's support has remained significantly higher over the years, reaching 83% in the latest poll."

"High gas and electricity prices this autumn have made people seriously interested in energy and realise that good weather cannot be expected in the Nordic countries alone.

"Estonia is mature enough to seriously consider replacing 20th century oil shale energy with a new generation of 21st century nuclear energy in a ten-year perspective,” said Kalev Kallemets, CEO of Fermi Energia.

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