France gets new energy minister

Friday, 22 June 2012
Delphine Batho 48Just over a month after naming his cabinet, France's prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has announced a reshuffle. The minister of environment, sustainable development and energy in now Delphine Batho.

Just over a month after naming his cabinet, France's prime minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has announced a reshuffle. The minister of environment, sustainable development and energy has changed as a result.

Delphine Batho
Delphine Batho
(Image: Ministry for Sustainable Development)

Following Francois Hollande's narrow victory over Nicolas Sarkozy in the recent presidential election and his subsequent investiture on 15 May, he named Ayrault as his prime minister. Ayrault promptly named the new Council of Ministers, with Nicole Bricq as minister of environment, sustainable development and energy.

However, in a reshuffle announced by Hollande yesterday, Bricq has become the minister for foreign trade, while Delphine Batho - previously junior minister at the Ministry of Justice - has assumed the position for minister for environment, sustainable development and energy. She will play a role in permitting the ongoing construction of a reactor at Flamanville, and the proposed closure of two units at Fessenheim.

Batho does not have an energy background. Between 1999 and 2008, she held posts related to national security.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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