IAEA enhances collaboration with young professionals
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently agreed to strengthen its collaboration with the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC), a global network of young professionals working within the field of nuclear energy.
The IAEA said it had signed an agreement with the IYNC on 28 February that calls for joint work in various outreach initiatives related to climate change, innovation and knowledge transfer in nuclear technologies.
The signed practical arrangements outline a number of areas of collaboration. These include mutual coordination of activities in the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the associated Conference of Youth. They will also collaborate in the organisation of the Innovation for Nuclear international contest. In addition, the organisations will develop and coordinate projects in nuclear technologies and applications. Speakers from the IAEA will also participate in the INYC's bi-annual conference.
Mikhail Chudakov, IAEA deputy director-general and head of the agency's department of nuclear energy, said: "This partnership will increase the IAEA's engagement with young professionals to ensure their participation in collaborative activities and events. This includes side events at major international conferences, workshops and related IAEA activities targeting professional development."
The IAEA said the agreement adds to the practical arrangements it has with various universities, research institutes, governments and international organisations that "help boost the number of young people opting for careers in nuclear science".
The IYNC is a global non-profit organisation connecting students and young professionals engaged in all areas concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. It says its primary purpose is to "transfer knowledge from the current generation of leading scientists and engineers to the next generation".
The IYNC is currently holding its latest conference in Bariloche, Argentina. The meeting - from 11-17 March - has been organised jointly with the 26th Women in Nuclear (WiN) Global Annual Conference. In 2016, IYNC and WiN signed a memorandum of understanding to foster their collaboration and joint activities on knowledge transfer, education and communication on the peaceful use of nuclear science and technology.
Last October, IYNC and the World Association of Nuclear Operators signed an MoU "to reflect enhanced cooperation between both organisations in the promotion of nuclear safety and in meeting goals related to young generation initiatives and objectives".
Researched and written
by World Nuclear News