KHNP applies to dismantle Kori 1
Unit 1 of the Kori plant started commercial operation in 1978. KHNP announced in August 2015 it had withdrawn its application to extend the unit's operating licence and in June 2016 it applied to decommission the reactor. The permanent shutdown of Kori 1 was approved by the NSSC a year later. The 576 MWe pressurised water reactor was permanently shut down on 18 June 2017 and KHNP was required to submit a decommissioning plan for the unit within five years of its closure.
KHNP said that in order to dismantle a nuclear power plant it must be approved by the NSSC in accordance with the Nuclear Safety Act. An application for dismantling approval must be submitted with the final dismantling plan, quality assurance plan for dismantling, and the results of opinion surveys from local residents.
The company today announced its submission of an application to the NSSC to dismantle the unit, together with the required documents.
"We will faithfully work on the decommissioning safety review, as well as make thorough preparations for the safe and economical dismantling of nuclear power plants," said KHNP President Jae-hoon Jung.
In September 2017, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute announced it had signed contracts with several domestic companies to develop technologies for decommissioning Kori 1. These included Kepco Plant Service & Engineering and Doosan, among others, to develop technologies for dismantling facilities and equipment, as well as land contamination measurement technology. The companies will also develop technologies for simulating the dismantling of the plant, chemical decontamination and waste disposal processes.