Minister foresees 2022 completion date for Indian FBR

Construction of the 500 MWe PFBR, which is being built by Bhavini, began in 2004 with an original planned completion date of September 2010. The project is now in "integrated commissioning stage", the minister said in a written answer. "According to latest approval, the revised completion target for the project is October 2022," Singh said, adding that the government has this year approved a revised completion cost of INR6840 crore (USD899 million). The original cost of INR3492 crore, sanctioned in 2003, had subsequently been revised to INR5667 crore. (One crore is equivalent to ten million.)
In answer to a separate question, Singh said a project to build two 1000 MWe Russian-designed VVER reactors at Kudankulam - Kudankulam units 3 and 4 - is now 54.96% complete. The expected completion dates for those units are March 2023 for unit 3 and November 2023 for unit 4, he said.
A project to build the Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Facility is presently being executed by the Nuclear Recycle Board, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Department of Atomic Energy. "Financial progress of the project as on 30 November 2021 is 32% and the project is expected to be completed by December 2027," he said.