Nuclear utilities in list of world's most sustainable companies

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

The fourth annual Global 100 list of the most sustainable large corporations in the world has been announced. The list includes six energy companies and five utilities, some of which operate nuclear power plants.

The fourth annual Global 100 list of the most sustainable large corporations in the world has been announced. The list includes six energy companies and five utilities, some of which operate nuclear power plants.

The list, released by Corporate Knights and Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, includes companies from 17 countries encompassing all sectors of the economy that were evaluated according to how effectively they manage environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities, relative to their industry peers.

By country, the UK had the most companies in the Top 100, with 24, plus two that are jointly headquartered in the UK. This was followed by the USA with 16 and Japan with 13.

Included in the list under the energy sector are: Neste Oil (Finland), Nexen (Canada), OMV (Austria), Royal Dutch Shell (UK), Saipem (Italy), and Transcanada (Canada). Under utilities are listed: Centrica (UK), Fortum (Finland), FPL Group (USA), Iberdrola (Spain), and Pinnacle West Capital (USA).

Fortum owns the Loviisa nuclear power plant in Finland, as well as shares in the Finnish Olkiluoto power plant and in the Swedish Oskarshamn and Forsmark nuclear power plants. FPL operates the Turkey Point and St Lucie nuclear power plants in Florida, as well as the Seabrook plant in New Hampshire and the Duane Arnold plant in Iowa. Iberdrola has interests in seven of Spain's nuclear power plants. Pinnacle West's largest affiliate, Arizona Public Service (APS), is the operator and co-owner of the Palo Verde nuclear power plant.

Toby Heaps of Corporate Knights magazine said: "Sovereign funds from Oslo to Abu Dhabi to Moscow present a unique opportunity to transform the profits from the high carbon economy of coal and oil and pave the way to the low-carbon economy powered by renewable energy. The Global 100 companies are excellent partners to make it happen."

The Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the world is a project launched by Corporate Knights and Innovest in 2005. The list is announced annually at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

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