Pumping and simulating an AP1000

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Levy Artist's Impression (ProgressEnergy)Westinghouse has signed contracts for American AP1000s covering pumps and simulators. Some 14 of the units are slated for the country, while construction of the first few has started in China.

Westinghouse has signed contracts for American AP1000s covering pumps and simulators.


Levy Artist's Impression (ProgressEnergy)
How two AP1000s would look at
Progress Energy's Levy site in Florida
No specific reactor projects were named in two announcements today from GSE Systems and Flowserve but some 14 AP1000 units are planned - all in the southeastern USA.


Flowserve are to make safety-related electric motor actuators, and non-safety-related control, ball and plug valves. The company said the components, worth $45 million, would be used for four reactors at two different build sites.


GSE Systems is to model the central nuclear systems of the AP1000 pressurized water reactor. These code modules will be common to all American AP1000s, GSE said, and would help Westinghouse to demonstrate plant design and control room factors to regulators and potential buyers.


The rest of the systems to make finished simulators will vary in detail from plant to plant and GSE anticipates contracts for those to follow. The company noted that a simulator at each new build site is included in the scope of work between Westinghouse and its US customers.


Other main components for Westinghouse reactors are coming from Ishikawajima-Harima Industries and Chicago Bridge & Iron (containment vessels), SPX Corp (squib valves), Curtiss Wright (pumps, with casings from Sheffield Forgemasters). Doosan Heavy Industries of South Korea is making some of the major primary loop parts for Chinese and US AP1000s.


Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co has completed a factory to produce the large modules that make up the AP1000, while Westinghouse plans similar module factories for the USA (in a joint venture with Shaw) and the UK (with BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce and Doosan Babcock).


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