Rosatom, EdF agree to cooperate

Monday, 21 June 2010

Russian state nuclear company Rosatom and Electricité de France (EdF) have signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate.

Russian state nuclear company Rosatom and Electricité de France (EdF) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to cooperate.


The MoU was signed on 19 June during the Saint-Petersburg International Economical Forum by Sergei Kiriyenko, head of Rosatom, and Henri Proglio, chairman and CEO of EdF.


In a joint statement, the companies said: "This agreement provides framework of collaboration in the fields of research and development, nuclear fuel, as well as cooperation on existing and currently under construction nuclear plants." It also "sets basis for exchange of experience and training, including visits to industrial sites and facilities in both countries."


To implement the agreement, the two companies will establish executive committees on each area of cooperation, which will work under the leadership and supervision of the Rosatom-EdF Strategic Committee.


In November 2009, EdF - through its Italian subsidiary, Fenice - and Russian energy company Inter RAO (which is 57% controlled by Rosatom) agreed to create a new enterprise to be jointly held by EdF and Rosatom specialising in energy efficiency.


Researched and written

by World Nuclear News


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