Russia, Rwanda plan joint work on education and public acceptance

Friday, 1 March 2019
Rosatom, Russia's state nuclear corporation, and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Rwanda have signed two memoranda of cooperation on education and personnel training and on developing public acceptance of nuclear energy.
Russia, Rwanda plan joint work on education and public acceptance
Spasskiy and Gatete during the signing ceremony (Image: Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Infrastructure)

The development follows an Intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy the two countries signed on 5 December.

The parties have agreed to implement joint projects in the education and training of personnel for the needs of the nuclear energy and related industries in the following ways: organisation of personnel training programs for Rwandan nuclear infrastructure will be planned; close cooperation between educational institutions will be developed; joint short-term programmes and teacher training will be organised; and educational and scientific literature and the exchange of students will be prepared.

The memorandum on public opinion involves preparing and implementing public and media briefing activities. This will include informing the public about nuclear technologies and their uses; interaction with journalists, experts, teachers and students, as well as the organisation of events for them, Rosatom said.

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