Russian and Brazilian firms to cooperate in nuclear power

Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Russia's Rosatom has signed a memorandum of understanding with Brazilian companies Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras (Eletrobras) and Eletrobras Termonuclear SA (Eletronuclear) to promote cooperation in nuclear power. It includes the possible construction of a new nuclear power plant in Brazil, Rosatom said.

Russia's Rosatom has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Brazilian companies Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras (Eletrobras) and Eletrobras Termonuclear SA (Eletronuclear) to promote cooperation in nuclear power. It includes the possible construction of a new nuclear power plant in Brazil, Rosatom said.

The MoU also covers services, including operation, maintenance and decommissioning work; nuclear fuel management; the life extension of existing nuclear power plants in Brazil; education and training of nuclear power personnel; and developing public awareness of Brazil's nuclear power programme.

The document was signed yesterday by Kirill Kopmarov, Rosatom's first deputy director general for corporate development and international business, Wilson Ferreira Junior, Eletrobras president, and Leonam dos Santos Guimarães, Eletronuclear acting president.

Komarov said the MoU has "laid a foundation" for bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

"Cooperation between Russia and Brazil has seen renewed life in recent years," Komarov said. "We are implementing projects in the framework of the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear medicine. The signing of this MoU marks a new phase in our partnership. Brazil has substantial experience in using nuclear technologies and has big plans for the development of its national nuclear sector," he added.

A Russian-Brazilian joint working group will define the framework of cooperation for implementation of the programme.

The two countries signed an inter-governmental agreement on cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy in September 1994.

Brazil has two nuclear reactors, Angra 1 and 2, which generate 3% of its electricity, and a third under construction. Its first commercial nuclear power reactor began operating in 1982. Four more large reactors are proposed to come on line in the 2020s.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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