Second RITM-200 shipped for icebreaker Yakutia

The RITM-200 reactor for the icebreaker fleet weighs 147.5 tonnes, is 7.3 metres high and has a diameter of 3.3 metres. Its journey is by a special railway carriage with a capacity of 240 tonnes, to St Petersburg, where it will be loaded onto a special barge and delivered to the shipyard.
The nuclear powered ships of project 22220 have two RITM-200 reactors with power of 175 MWt each. The first of the RITM-200 reactor for the Yakutia icebreaker was shipped in May.
Sibir and Arktika are already in service from the Project 22220. Yakutia is one of three others under construction.
In October 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an executive order for at least five nuclear-powered icebreakers as part of a "Strategy for Developing the Russian Arctic Zone and Ensuring National Security".
