Skoda Power wins contract for Bohunice modernization

Monday, 17 September 2007
Skoda Power of the Czech Republic has been awarded a contract by Slovak utility Slovenske Elektrarne for the modernization of units 3 and 4 of the Bohunice nuclear power plant.

Skoda Power of the Czech Republic has been awarded a contract by Slovak utility Slovenske Elektrarne for the modernization of units 3 and 4 of the Bohunice nuclear power plant.


The CZK2 billion ($100 million) contract, the result of a public tender, calls for Skoda Power to reconstruct the steam turbines and replace high- and low-pressure flow-through sections in the two 408 MWe VVER units. In addition, the company will replace the units' control and hydraulic systems. The contract covers a total of four turbines at units 3 and 4.


The first series of deliveries of new equipment will take place in 2009, while the replacement work will be carried out during regular planned outages until 2010. Skoda Power said that the modernization program would extend the operating lives of the turbines, as well as increasing efficiency and performance, adding some 30 MWe of power per turbine (a total of 120 MWe).


Skoda Power has recently modernized the turbines at the Dukovany and Temelin nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. The company said that at Dukovany, by using modern all-metal rotors with modular blade configuration and new technology for manufacturing distributor blades with moisture off-take, the performance of the turbine generator unit has been increased, with a subsequent 4.5% improvement in operational efficiency.


Unit three began operating in 1984, with unit four entering production in 1985. An upgrade program on Bohunice units 3 and 4 is under way to improve seismic resistance, cooling systems, and instrument & control (I&C) systems with a view to extending operational life to 40 years, until 2025. Areva is replacing the I&C systems progressively to 2008.


Further information


Skoda Power
Slovenske Elektrarne


WNA's Nuclear Power in Slovakia information paper

WNN: EOn considers building plant in Slovakia
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