Sri Lanka rethinks Atomic Energy Act

Thursday, 23 June 2011
Sri Lanka is to repeal its 1969 Atomic Energy Act to replace it with a provision to establish an Atomic Energy Regulatory Council. According to a governmental release, the current act needs to be amended to allow for the introduction of nuclear power generation technology in the country and also to address concerns over the security of radioactive sources and to deal with radiation emergencies. The government also says it needs to establish an independent nuclear regulatory arm in keeping with advice from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Sri Lankan cabinet has approved the drafting of the new bill. In September 2010, the Sri Lankan government commissioned a pre-feasibility study into the use of nuclear energy for power generation in the country.
Sri Lanka is to repeal its 1969 Atomic Energy Act to replace it with a provision to establish an Atomic Energy Regulatory Council. According to a governmental release, the current act needs to be amended to allow for the introduction of nuclear power generation technology in the country and also to address concerns over the security of radioactive sources and to deal with radiation emergencies. The government also says it needs to establish an independent nuclear regulatory arm in keeping with advice from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Sri Lankan cabinet has approved the drafting of the new bill. In September 2010, the Sri Lankan government commissioned a pre-feasibility study into theĀ use of nuclear energy for power generation in the country.
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