Steam generators installed at second Belarus unit

Tuesday, 16 January 2018
Ostrovets 2 SG installation - 48All four steam generators have been installed at unit 2 of the nuclear power plant under construction in Ostrovets in Belarus, the plant owner, Belarus NPP, announced today. The large items of equipment have been placed in their designated positions inside the reactor building, it said.

All four steam generators have been installed at unit 2 of the nuclear power plant under construction in Ostrovets in Belarus, the plant owner, Belarus NPP, announced today. The large items of equipment have been placed in their designated positions inside the reactor building, it said.

Ostrovets 2 SG installation - 460 (BelAES)
One of the four steam generators being lifted into place at second Belarus unit
(Image: Belarus NPP)

Each 330-tonne steam generator was lifted onto the ramp extension and moved on rails via the equipment airlock into the reactor building, news agency BelTA said. Then a polar crane placed the steam generators into position.

The Belarusian nuclear power plant is being built using the Russian VVER-1200 AES-2006 design. The first unit is scheduled for commissioning next year, with the second unit to be brought online in 2020.

The Ostrovets plant - the first nuclear power plant to be built in Belarus - consists of two VVER-1200 type reactors to give 2340 MWe net capacity on line.

An intergovernmental agreement between Russia and Belarus specifically on cooperation in the construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus was signed in March 2011.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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