Studsvik disposing of Ringhals steam generators

Friday, 18 July 2008

Studsvik-steam generatorStudsvik has received a contract from Vattenfall for the dismantling and metal recycling of three more old steam generators from the Ringhals nuclear power plant in Sweden.

Studsvik has received a contract from Vattenfall for the dismantling and metal recycling of three more old steam generators from the Ringhals nuclear power plant in Sweden.

Studsvik-steam generator 
A steam generator for treatment at
Studsvik (Image: Studsvik)
The contract - valued at some SKr34 million ($5.7 million) - was placed under an existing memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between the two companies in 2006. The MoU regards the waste treatment in Studsvik's facilities of eight steam generators and two reactor pressure vessel heads from the Ringhals plant, which have been replaced with new ones as part of uprating and life extension projects. The aim is to reduce the quantity of waste and to recover the metal. So far, three steam generators from Ringhals have been delivered to Studsvik for processing under the MoU.

The technology which makes it possible to treat the steam generators has been developed in a project that Studsvik conducted in cooperation with Ringhals. The MoU means that the joint development work is now being followed by a long-term co-operation between Studsvik and Ringhals, where the technology is being applied.

Each of the steam generators weighs some 300 tonnes and is about 20 metres long, while the pressure vessel heads weigh about 50 tonnes each. Two steam generators and two reactor pressure vessel heads were treated in Studsvik's facilities in 2007.

The next three steam generators will be delivered to Studsvik in late 2008. The dismantling of the equipment set to start in early 2009 is should take some 15 months to complete.
Magnus Groth, president and CEO of Studsvik, commented: "We are at present treating four steam generators from the German nuclear power plant Stade and our technology continues to demonstrate excellent performance. We are able to recycle the bulk of the metallic material which is a great benefit for our customers and the environment."

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