Vogtle 3 plant equipment energised
The equipment, which has previously been running on temporary construction power, must be permanently powered to carry out all subsequent testing for the unit. "Initial energisation is a major first step in transitioning the project from construction toward system operations," Vogtle 3 & 4 Construction Senior Vice President Glen Chick said. "With energisation complete, we can continue moving into the actual testing phase for unit 3."
The project to construct two AP1000 reactors is now about 77% complete, Georgia Power said yesterday. All first quarter milestones have been achieved including the placement of the unit 4 pressuriser and the unit 3 containment vessel top head. This means all modules and large components have been placed inside the unit, the company added.
Georgia Power last week affirmed to the Georgia Public Service Commission that the expected schedule remains within the regulatory-approved in-service dates of November 2021 for unit 3 and November 2022 for unit 4, with no change to the total project capital cost forecast of USD8.4 billion.
