Waste compactor ready for shipment to Akkuyu

Tuesday, 22 February 2022
A high-pressure press for the treatment of solid radioactive wastes at the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under construction in Turkey has passed factory acceptance tests. German engineering company Nukem Technologies and Russia's Nikimt-Atomstroy said they are now ready to deliver the equipment to the plant site.
Waste compactor ready for shipment to Akkuyu
The drum compactor to be delivered to the Akkuyu plant (Image: TVEL)

The factory acceptance tests were carried out in the presence of representatives of the Titan-2 construction firm and the Akkuyu Nükleer AS project company. The equipment was found to be operational in accordance with the requirements of the technical assignment.

Nukem Technologies, part of Russian nuclear fuel company TVEL, is a subcontractor of Nikimt-Atomstroy, which designs and builds used nuclear fuel facilities, for the supply of equipment for high-performance compaction and combustion systems. Nikimt-Atomstroy is a subsidiary of the engineering division of Rosatom and a contractor for the construction of part of the facilities at the Akkuyu plant.

All low and intermediate-level waste, such as filters and metal waste, from the Akkuyu plant will be processed and stored in an on-site complex.

The use of the high-pressure press in the processing of solid radioactive waste reduces the waste volume for subsequent storage. Depending on the condition, a reduction in waste volume of up to seven times can be achieved.

Nukem has supplied a 2000-tonne high-pressure press for the compaction equipment, including the control and steering system. The press is equipped with automatic loading of waste drums and an integrated feeder for pressed packs. It is designed as a through-feed press, which means the loading of waste and unloading of compacted drums is carried out in one step. The press can compact up to six barrels of waste per hour.

"The high-pressure press for the Akkuyu nuclear power plant is a tested and effective solution that is used in nuclear facilities in Russia, China, Ukraine and other countries and has proven itself through many years of operation," Nukem said.

Rosatom is building four VVER-1200 reactors at Akkuyu, under a so-called BOO (build-own-operate) model. Construction of the first unit began in 2018, with startup planned for 2023. The 4800 MWe plant is expected to meet about 10% of Turkey's electricity needs.

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