Westinghouse and Energoatom push ahead on AP1000 plant licence process

Tuesday, 12 July 2022
Westinghouse Electric Company has signed a contract with Energoatom to provide AP1000 plant technical information to help with the Ukrainian firm's feasibility study for the two new reactors planned for Khmelnytsky nuclear power plant.
Westinghouse and Energoatom push ahead on AP1000 plant licence process
There are two operating reactors at Khmelnytsky (Image: Energoatom)

The two companies signed an agreement last month to build nine AP1000s in Ukraine - the first two will be units 5 and 6 at Khmelnytsky (construction of units 3 and 4 began in the 1980s but was halted in 1990 and they remain unfinished).

Energoatom President Petro Kotin said: "We are pleased to take this important next step in support of our commitment to build new AP1000 units at Khmelnytsky. We value our partnership with Westinghouse to work collaboratively and expeditiously to achieve key project milestones."

David Durham, president of Westinghouse Energy Systems, said: "These are significant steps for Ukraine’s energy independence. We stand ready to provide our AP1000 plant technology and equipment in Ukraine and are continually inspired by our strategic partners’ unwavering determination and resilience."

The agreement in June also included Westinghouse supplying all nuclear fuel for the four Energoatom nuclear power plants in Ukraine - as it switches away from Russian fuel - and the establishment of a Westinghouse Engineering and Technical Centre in Ukraine.

Ukraine currently has 16 units across the four plants. The largest - Zaporizhyzhia - has six units. It continues to be run by its Ukrainian staff, but it has been under the control of Russian forces since early March.

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