Local support rises for construction of Polish plant

A total of 1217 residents in Choczewo, Gniewino and Krokowa were surveyed between November and December 2018 by marketing and social research company PBS Sp zoo. The survey was commissioned by PGE EJ1 - the subsidiary of Polish state-owned energy group Polska Grupa Energetyczna set up to build and run Poland's first nuclear power plant.
When asked if they supported the construction of a nuclear power plant in Poland, 69% of respondents said they did. This compares with 67% of respondents in the previous survey carried out in 2017. Support was highest in Choczewo, where 73% of residents were in favour.
Two-thirds (66%) of those questioned supported the construction of a nuclear power plant in the vicinity of their homes, down slightly from 67% in 2017. Support was again highest in Choczewo, with 74% of respondents in favour, with 68% in support in Gniewino and 62% in Krokowa.
The latest survey showed that support for a plant in the vicinity has not changed since the last survey was conducted. However, the attitude of residents towards such an investment close to their homes has improved as the number of strong opponents has declined from 17% to 9%.
Poland's first nuclear power plant will be in operation by 2033, according to a draft energy policy document released for public consultation last November by the Ministry of Energy. The document envisages 6-9 GWe of nuclear capacity in operation by 2043, accounting for about 10% of Poland's electricity generation. The selection of location for the first plant would be made in 2020, while the selection of the technology and general contractor would take place the following year. The first plant - with a capacity of 1.0 to 1.5 GWe - would be completed by 2033. Up to six reactors, with a combined capacity of 6-9 GWe, would be put into operation by 2043.