Grossi praises Brazil's contributions to nuclear development
"As we face the challenge of climate change, the key role of nuclear energy is set to grow and Brazil is uniquely situated to take full advantage of this," Grossi said in an address to the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the National Congress. "A global energy debate without Brazil makes no sense. A global nuclear debate without Brazil makes no sense."
Speaking with Minister of Mines and Energy Alexandre Silveira, Grossi said: "The IAEA encourages the continuous development of the fuel cycle in Brazil, given its potential to become a key actor in the nuclear sector production chain. These developments are crucial for strategic growth and energy security in the country."
He also addressed the Brazilian Nuclear Programme Development Committee, highlighting the critical role of nuclear energy for Brazil's economic growth and future decarbonisation plans.
During his visit, Grossi also highlighted the first-of-its-kind collaboration of the IAEA with the G20 on nuclear power. This new cooperation started this year when the Brazilian Presidency invited the IAEA to participate in the G20's Energy Transitions Working Group. The IAEA is presenting a series of briefings and reports to inform G20 members on the key role that nuclear energy can play in the energy mix and emphasising the need to accelerate financing in order to reach net zero targets.
In Rio de Janeiro, he visited the Nuclear Medicine Service at António Pedro University Hospital, where doctors explained how the IAEA's support, providing advanced equipment and training, has greatly improved early cancer detection and treatment quality.
The IAEA is also supporting the Brazilian Navy in its goals to increase medical services for remote communities located in the Amazon River delta. Two mammography machines have been installed on the ships Soares de Meirelles and Carlos Chagas, allowing these communities to have access to breast cancer diagnostic services for the first time.
Grossi also signed an agreement with Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Luciana Santos to use nuclear science to study harmful algal blooms, microplastics, ocean acidification and more in Antarctica.
He also met with Admiral Marcos Olsen and discussions included Brazil's plans to develop naval nuclear propulsion. "The IAEA and Brazil are committed to working together for highest non-proliferation standards as Brazil advances naval nuclear propulsion plans," Grossi said.
Grossi also visited the headquarters of the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC). "ABACC has played a key role in regional stability and its importance will only grow as Brazil embarks on naval nuclear propulsion. I am looking forward to continuing the strong cooperation between the IAEA, ABACC, Brazil and Argentina," he said.
IAEA Collaborating Centre
The IAEA's first Collaborating Centre on Nuclear Security in Latin America - the National Nuclear Energy Commission's (CNEN's) Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN) - was also established during the trip. IPEN-CNEN, CNEN's technical-scientific unit in São Paulo, expressed interest in joining this scheme and, on 7 June, the IAEA approved the proposal for its designation.
An agreement was signed on 21 June by Grossi and CNEN President Francisco Rondinelli, formalising the designation. As an IAEA Collaborating Centre, IPEN-CNEN will assist the IAEA in activities in the areas of computer security, radiation detection and physical protection for nuclear security, for a period of four years.
"All the activities we have, of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in Brazil, need to have the indispensable cooperation of CNEN," Grossi said. "We recognise this crucial role of CNEN in the development of nuclear technology in the country. We are very grateful for this cooperation, which will continue and increase more and more."
Brazil currently has two operating nuclear power reactors and a third under construction. The country's 2050 national energy plan indicates that it could add 10 GW of nuclear in the next 30 years, which is enough to provide power for about 10 million people, with a possibility to include small modular reactors in its energy mix after 2030.