Two of the German reactors ordered to shut after Fukushima will be dismantled as soon as possible. EnBW has applied for permission to do the work and said it has more than enough funds set aside.
The decommissioning of America's Rocky Flats facility and the disposal of resulting waste was the main factor in a four-tonne reduction in US plutonium stocks over the last 15 years.
Yesterday saw the end of operations at Areva's Georges Besse diffusion enrichment plant following 33 years of service.
Decommissioning worker Neil Parkin has established a sideline by making banjos out of wood salvaged from the Dounreay site.
Tepco has published further measurements showing that the used fuel pool at the damaged reactor building of unit 4 at Fukushima Daiichi is not tilting and would be able to withstand a large earthquake.