Westinghouse and Urenco have signed a long-term fuel enrichment agreement under which Urenco will provide enrichment of high-assay low-enriched uranium to Westinghouse for five years of deployment for the company's eVinci microreactor.
Russia's A.I. Leypunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering has begun tests to study the neutron-physical characteristics of the VVER-S reactor with MOX fuel.
Tests carried out on high burnup fast reactor fuel as part of a collaboration between the USA and Japan are the first of their kind carried out in more than 20 years, and will provide crucial new data to support future fuel development and qualification.
Innovative reactor developer Newcleo has acquired a site in Chusclan in the Gard department in southern France on which it will build an R&D innovation and training centre supporting the development of its future fuel assembly manufacturing facility in France.
Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil has signed a contract with Russia's Internexco for the temporary export for conversion and enrichment of 275,000 kilograms of uranium concentrate (U3O8) produced at the Uranium Concentration Unit in Caetité, Bahia.
Westinghouse and Spanish nuclear fuel manufacturer Enusa, which are celebrating 50 years of cooperation, have signed a new technology agreement that extends the current licensing agreement for 10 years.
France's Orano has signed an agreement to supply enrichment services for Ukraine's Energoatom through to 2040.
CEO Tim Gitzel said Cameco expects "supportive market conditions" throughout the fuel cycle and across the nuclear sector will drive strong financial growth in 2025 following strong performance across all sectors in 2024.
Kazakhstan's national atomic company Kazatomprom has signed its first-ever contract to supply uranium to Swiss nuclear power plants.
Lightbridge Corporation has hailed the co-extrusion demonstration of a coupon sample with uranium-zirconium alloy and cladding at Idaho National Laboratory as a significant milestone in the development of its innovative next-generation nuclear fuel.