Award for Virtual Atomic Energy Museum

Friday, 19 October 2007
Rosenergoatom's Virtual Atomic Energy Museum has received honours from the 2007 World Summit Awards, being noted to be among the best 'e-Science' information technology projects in the world.
Rosenergoatom's Virtual Atomic Energy Museum (VAEM) has received honours from the 2007 World Summit Awards (WSA), being noted to be among the best 'e-Science' information technology projects in the world.

The awards are open to all member states of the United Nations and received some 24,000 entries from 160 countries. It took a 32-person grand jury a week to pick five winners for each of the eight categories of the awards.

Rosenergoatom said the Russian-language VAEM had brought new information to the public for the first time, having included the archives of the former ministries of atomic energy (Minatom) and of medium machine building. The company, concerned with operating Russia's 31 nuclear power reactors said that the history of atomic energy was entangled with the history of the Soviet Union and modern Russia.

The WSA identifies high-quality electronic content and promotes the most outstanding examples in collaboration with the UN secretary general's Global Allicance for ICT and Development, UNESCO and UNIDO. The not-for-profit organisation is headquartered in Salzburg, Austria.

Winners will attend a gala ceremony in early November in Venice, which will be attended by dignatories including Microsoft chair Bill Gates.

Further information

Rosenergoatom: Virtual Atomic Energy Museum

WNA's Nuclear Power in Russia information paper

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