Calendar of epic achievement

Thursday, 22 December 2011
SCC calendar coverThe Russian nuclear industry is known to strongly support its amateur sportsman in local, regional and inter-company contests, but the Siberian Chemical Combine has taken its hero-worship to a new level for 2012 with a calendar depicting its sports stars as Greek gods.

The Russian nuclear industry is known to strongly support its amateur sportsman in local, regional and inter-company contests, but the Siberian Chemical Combine has taken its hero-worship to a new level for 2012 with a calendar depicting its sports stars as Greek gods.


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Hermes, by

Satyr, by

Aphrodite, by
Olga Parfinenko

Poseidon, by
Sergei Kuts


The line-up is heavily influenced by skiers due to the Siberian climate but swimmers, table-tennis players, weight lifters, athletes and triathletes were also included. Reproducing the poses accurately was tough but it takes every effort to realise a crazy idea when it comes along, said the company.

The full calendar can be seen here.
Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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