Canadian partnership launches electric vehicle charging network

Tuesday, 18 February 2020
Ontario Power Generation and Hydro One have launched a new company, Ivy Charging Network, which plans to install a new network of fast-chargers for electric vehicles in Ontario by the end of 2021. The Canadian government is investing CAD8 million (USD6 million) in the project which it says will help the transition to a clean energy future.
Canadian partnership launches electric vehicle charging network
Navdeep Bains (left) attended the launch of the new network at the Canadian International Auto Show on 14 February (Image: Hydro One)

The network of 160 fast-chargers will be installed across 73 locations in Ontario. It will be one of the largest EV networks in the province and with stations on average less than 100 kilometres apart, will help to alleviate "electric vehicle range anxiety," the companies said.

"Having delivered the world's largest single climate change action to date with the closure of our coal stations, OPG's clean power serves as a strong platform to electrify carbon-heavy sectors like transportation," Theresa Dekker, OPG's vice president for corporate business development and strategy, said. OPG's Darlington and Pickering nuclear power plants supply about 30% of Ontario's electricity.

The government funding, through Natural Resources Canada's Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Development Programme, was announced by Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Navdeep Bains at the 2020 Canadian International Auto Show. "Our government is committed to supporting innovative, green infrastructure projects that will bring us closer to a competitive, zero-emissions transportation sector. Today’s investment will ensure that Canadian-made solutions are at the forefront of solving the global climate change crisis, leaving our children and grandchildren with a healthier planet and cleaner air to breathe," he said.

The Government of Canada plans to invest over CAD300 million to support the establishment of a "coast-to-coast" network of fast-chargers for EVs, charging stations and hydrogen stations as part of its commitment to reach a target of 100% passenger zero-emission vehicle sales by 2040.

Ontario phased out the use of coal in 2014 and, according to figures from its Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), nuclear currently accounts for 35% of the province's installed generation capacity. IESO's latest planning outlook, which was published in January, sees electrification of transportation contributing to a steady growth in electricity demand in the province over the next 20 years.

Hydro One Limited is Ontario's largest electricity transmission and distribution provider.

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