Energoatom contracts Westinghouse for VVER-440 fuel supply

Friday, 11 June 2021
Westinghouse and Energoatom have signed a VVER-440 fuel supply contract fuel for the Rovno nuclear power plant in Ukraine. The contract - for the development and delivery of licensing documentation - was signed yesterday by Energoatom Acting President Petro Kotin and Westinghouse Vice President and Managing Director Northern and Eastern Europe Aziz Dag, at the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, in the presence of Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko.
Energoatom contracts Westinghouse for VVER-440 fuel supply
L-R: Petro Kotin, Herman Halushchenko and Aziz Dag (Image: Energoatom)

The first experimental batch of fuel assemblies (up to 12) manufactured by Westinghouse is planned to be loaded into the core of Rovno unit 2 in 2024. The total volume of supply under the contract provides for at least 1056 fuel assemblies.

According to Energoatom, Halushchenko said longstanding and fruitful cooperation with Westinghouse meant Ukraine was "well on the way" to strengthening its energy independence. "Cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in the field of nuclear energy is strategically important for us," he said.

Kotin added that the new contract builds on existing experience of cooperation with Westinghouse on diversification of nuclear fuel supply for VVER-1000 reactors following the signing of an agreement in September last year. The next step before the introduction of Westinghouse fuel for VVER-440 reactors at Ukrainian nuclear power plants is its licensing in accordance with national regulations, he added.

Dag said that Energoatom's fuel diversification strategy is "a key safety pre-condition for nuclear fuel delivery and operation".

Westinghouse VVER-1000 fuel is already in operation in six nuclear reactors in Ukraine. By the end of this year, fuel supplies will increase to seven refuelling batches annually - four for Zaporozhe nuclear power plant, two batches for South Ukraine nuclear power plant and one for Rovno nuclear power plant.

The first contract between Energoatom and Westinghouse was signed in 2008. Ten years later, it was extended until 2025.

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