Exelon to replace security force at nuclear plants

Monday, 17 December 2007
Exelon Nuclear will replace the security force provided by Wackenhut Nuclear Services with its own in-house team. In September it was reported that Wackenhut guards were found sleeping whilst on duty.

Exelon Nuclear will replace the security force provided by Wackenhut Nuclear Services with its own in-house team. In September it was reported that Wackenhut guards were found sleeping whilst on duty.


Exelon informed Wackenhut of its decision on 3 December. Wackenhut's officials have pledged to co-operate to ensure a smooth transition in a process that will see Exelon take over all ten of its nuclear power plants by July 2008.


Earlier in the year, a guard at the Peach Bottom site released a video showing guards dozing. Exelon gave notice to Wackenhut that it would terminate the contract at Peach Bottom. A broad review of security at all of Exelon's plants was carried out and, although there were no issues of concern found at other sites, Exelon has concluded that future security manangement and operations would be best brought in-house.


The incident at Peach Bottom has prompted the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to tell operators of all commercial nuclear power plants and 'certain fuel cycle facilities' to provide specific information to the agency regarding their security programmes and practices.


Licensees have been given 60 days to response to the request for information, which was issued on 13 December. If licensees believe they will not be able to respond in time they can request an extension, provided that request is submitted by 28 December.


Further information



Nuclear Regulatory Commission

 US Nuclear Power Industry information paper

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