First cask emplaced at Sizewell B fuel store

Thursday, 23 March 2017
HI-STORM MIC cask in place at Sizewell B - 48The first cask containing used nuclear fuel from the Sizewell B pressurised water reactor has been placed within the unit's new dry fuel store. The milestone marks the first use of dry used fuel storage technology in the UK.

The first cask containing used nuclear fuel from the Sizewell B pressurised water reactor has been placed within the unit's new dry fuel store. The milestone marks the first use of dry used fuel storage technology in the UK.

HI-STORM MIC cask in place at Sizewell B - 460 (Holtec)
The HI-STORM MIC cask in place in the Sizewell B store (Image: Holtec)

The HI-STORM MIC cask - designed by Holtec International in collaboration with EDF energy - was placed inside the Sizewell B dry fuel storage building on 13 March. The cask - produced at Holtec's manufacturing division in Pittsburgh, USA - is designed for a 100-year life and features a double wall.

Six more HI-STORM casks will be placed within the storage building during the current campaign being undertaken by a team of Holtec's Sizlon business unit and EDF Energy workers.

A dry fuel store is a method of storing used nuclear fuel that has already been cooled in the used fuel pond. The fuel is loaded into a metal canister which is then welded shut, and then placed within a large, leak-tight steel and concrete cask.

The development at Sizewell B marks a UK first for Holtec International's Dry Fuel Storage technology, which is used across the USA and Europe.

Holtec noted that, while the HI-STORM casks are designed to be used in open-air storage facilities, EDF Energy decided to construct a special building in which to house them.

EDF Energy inaugurated the new dry store in April 2016. The store will enable continued operation of the Sizewell B nuclear power plant until at least 2035. It will safely house used fuel from Sizewell B until a geological disposal facility is available for the longer term storage of used fuel.

EDF Energy Generation managing director Stuart Crooks said: "The Sizewell B dry store is the first of a kind for the UK. We have taken an already robust solution from Holtec and worked in strong collaboration to further improve the design resulting in industry-leading safety and security for the 100-year design life."

In a statement, Holtec said: "We think the technology trail-blazed by the Sizewell B HI-STORM will serve EDF Energy well across its far-flung nuclear operations, especially in the upcoming nuclear projects in the UK."

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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