FPL plans new capacity, including nuclear

Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Florida Power & Light has announced a strategy to meet future electricity demand. The company plans to increase its generating capacity by some 28% by 2016. FPL also anticipates having additional nuclear capacity in Florida by 2018 or beyond.

Florida Power & Light (FPL) has announced a strategy to meet future electricity demand. As part of the strategy, the company plans to increase its generating capacity by some 28% by 2016. FPL also anticipates having additional nuclear capacity in Florida by 2018 or beyond.


The strategy to meet anticipated customer growth and the increasing electricity needs of its customers focuses on fuel diversity, advanced technology, energy conservation and renewable energy sources to "improve system reliability and help stabilize future power prices."


The updated growth forecasts and plans for increasing and diversifying generation are part of a system-wide resource plan that FPL submits annually to the Florida Public Service Commission. The company's ten-year resource plan anticipates adding some 6700 MWe of generating capacity to its current capacity of 24,360 MWe. FPL currently has a generating mix of 50% natural gas, 21% nuclear, 15% purchased power, 9% oil and 5% coal.


The company notified the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in April 2006 of its intent to submit a licence application in 2009 for a new nuclear power plant in the Florida. FPL has been evaluating more than a dozen potential sites. It has identified the Atlantic-coast Turkey Point nuclear power plant site as one potential site for a new reactor.


Armando Olivera, President of FPL, said, "We are taking a balanced and sensible approach to meet the future demands of our customers." He added, "We are also committed to increasing customer participation in energy efficiency programs, finding ways to increase the use of renewable sources of energy, and taking steps that will create the option for new nuclear generation."


FPL currently owns and operates four nuclear power plants: St. Lucie and Turkey Point in Florida, Seabrook in New Hampshire and Duane Arnold in Iowa.


Further information


Florida Power & Light


WNA's US Nuclear Power Industry information paper


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