GE Hitachi applies for used fuel storage facility licence renewal
Notice of GEH's application to renew the licence for the Illinois facility was published in the US Federal Register on 30 June.
The Morris Operation, where used fuel from the Connecticut Yankee, Cooper, Dresden, Monticello and San Onofre plants is stored, is the only licensed away-from-reactor wet used fuel storage facility in the USA. Its current licence will expire in May 2022.
The Morris ISFSI was originally designed as a fuel reprocessing plant, but the 300 tonne per year plant was declared inoperable in 1974. According to the American Nuclear Society, the NRC issued the Morris facility its first 20-year licence as an ISFSI in 1982. This was renewed for a second 20-year term in 2000.
Interested parties have until 30 August to request a hearing or petition for leave to intervene with respect to the action.
